Serving WNC Asheville to NE Georgia

(Gainesville Ga.)


(828) 989-3515

Shining Star Center               for Spiritual Healing, Growth & Development

A Message from Margie:

"It has been my desire to create a center such as this to assist others to heal, grow, and develop Spiritually, Physically, and Emotionally in their awareness of themselves by healing life's traumas, ending their grief in separation, and spiritually discerning their life's meaning and purpose.  We accomplish this by allowing them an environmental foundation to feel love and to feel safe from harm or retribution, freeing them from fear, while encouraging self-exploration, obtaining normalization of their experiences with self-validation and increasing self-esteem / worth by self-empowerment."

"I am a Lightworker in the healing profession, an educator, spiritual & mental health counselor and minister for over 15 years, I am Clairsentient, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, and occasionally Pre-cognitive.  I am honest, compassionate, and intuitive with a spiritual vision and purpose.  I believe life's journey is about being real about "Who You Really Are", loving from the heart without condition, finding your passion and enjoying all your life has to offer.  Everyone has that Universal right to be treated with respect and dignity, be at peace with themselves, and feel joy and love in their lives.  

"I have over 20 years of diversified experience in the fields of business finance, computer technology, and administrative management.  In 1996, after a traumatic life event, I chose to make a career change to the fields of Counseling-Psychology and returned to further my education through the doctoral level."

"My counseling and theoretical framework is based in, yet not limited to, Humanistic and Existential theories with multicultural philosophies, inclusive of inter-denominational spirituality and alternative healing through physiological, psychological, and spiritual inter-connectedness."

"My intention is to use my education, training, and spiritual gifts to advocate for adolescent / adult health psychology in the community in order to reduce trauma and its debilitating physiological / psychological effects while increasing personal empowerment self-esteem and self-worth creating a renewed passion and finding their meaning and purpose in life through personal spiritual interaction."

Blessings, Love, and Light to all...                 



Professional Bio:

Education and Background:

Dr. Garcia-Mathier holds a Master of Arts degree in Community Mental Health from Rollins College in Winter Park, FL, where she graduated in 2002 with honors and a 3.987 GPA.  She also hold an Associate of Arts degree (1997) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree (1999) in Psychology and Accounting from St. Leo College, St. Leo, FL, also graduating with honors as a Psychology Major, and was a 5-time Dean's List recipient.  Dr Garcia-Mathier has been an ordained Inter-denominational Minister since 2004, and an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity in 2008.

Dr. Margie A. Garcia-Mathier, M.A.,  D.Div.,  Q.M.H.P.,

C.P.S.S., & Recovery Coach